The Habito Sprit House

18 May

Hipster or not, it sure is opulent


After I finished my tour of the Hubba-to co-working space and strolled around the Habito mall for awhile, I started my walk back to the hospital.  On my way, I couldn’t help but notice the Habito Spirit House.  I needed to take a closer look.

The design surprised me a bit.  I thought it would be more hipster’ish, with glass and more modern design cues.  But no, it was friarly traditional in design, looking very much like most other Spirit Houses.  However, the one special feature was the material used to construct it.  Everything was built of marble and I mean everything.  The entire Spirit House and its base were all constructed in white, nicely veined, marble and the workmanship was top notch.  All the curves, joints and panels were perfectly crafted and while the design aesthetic was not exactly what one would expect in a place meant for young people, the quality of the workmanship was excellent.  This was one nice looking Spirit House.

I imagine that the occupying Spirits would be very pleased to live in such a house as its construction conveyed a sense of caring and opulence.  I don’t know if the Spirits in this House are hipsters or not, but having a marble roof over ones head couldn’t be all that bad.  And seeing as their Spirit House is positioned right near the restaurant/bar/club, perhaps these Spirits get out clubbing every so often.  After all, it’s very convenient.

8 thoughts on “The Habito Sprit House

    • I guess that’s true. I have a feeling that this one was paid for by the developer who is probably some old guy who is not a hipster.

  1. What is a “hipster” anyway? A beatnik?, a mod?, an emo? A hippie? They all come and go, can’t really blame them for the ruination of a city. Although I must say, they’ve been blamed for society’s woes, always. How about a “Trump?” Now that is a ruinous movement…

    • How about the following for the definition of a hipster:

      1. a usually young person who is trendy, stylish, or progressive in an unconventional way; someone who is hip.

      2. a person, especially during the 1950s and 1960s, characterized by a particularly strong sense of alienation from most established social activities and relationships; a beatnik or hippie.

      3. a performer or admirer of jazz, especially swing; a hepcat.

      A ‘trump’ does not fit into the above.

  2. Sammy Davis was hip. I know this as I have a CD of Carman MacRae whilst singing with Sammy telling him so

    Trump is not hip. I very much doubt he loves jazz as for sure his hair glows in the dark and that would distract for any night club performers

    I might get hip if I could lose some of my stomach (at the moment I am more funny in a Rodney Dangerfield kind of way, or many just olde in that George Burns way, except he was cool so almost hip)

    Byi the way Hipster is a registered trademark of a product I sell for surgery drapes on high BMI patients. It tapes the pannicus to the chest so that surgeons can operate unobstructed

    Hipster and Traxi for C sections on Obese patients are great sellers at the moment so if I make lots of money I can afford to be hip! (but then again Lenny Bruce once said there is nothing as sad as an old hipster…..)

    • If I happen to be back at the Habito workspace, I’ll mention to them an opportunity that you could offer for an even wider variety of hipster solutions. I’m sure they’d be interested in some pairs of surgery drapes. How cool would that be!!!

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